I wanted to get as much of the info gathering done and then walk into the Sheriffs with a short list of numbers for them to run. I know the implications and hardship that would ensue if an incorrect number was reported. I want thug nephew arrested and iI want my gun. There would be absolutely no point in reporting a weapon stolen and guessing on the identifying serial number.
#Old rossi revolver serial numbers serial number
I would NEVER report a serial number until I had it verified by law enforcement or ask them to contact ATF to verify, that, in fact, I am the registered owner. I have already tried the Rossi website and spoken with people there. What letter did they start with.? It looks like mine may start with a W. So what I need to know is the serial number ranges from 1983 to 1986 for this model. I bought it in the mid 1980's and it was already cut off at 2 inches. There are many guns that look like the M88 however the cylinder release button in this case is exactly like mine. Attached is a copy of the original advertisement in gun digest dated 1983. I know that the m88 was introduced in 1983 and then discontinued and then reintroduced in 1993. However I do have one photograph that I am trying to decipher the serial number and I need some help determining what the serial number could start with. Unfortunately some of the photos I had showing the serial number were destroyed. I have had a Rossi Interarms 38 special stainless steel 5 shot revolver for close to 30 years.